The Dashboard displays a snapshot of the audit universe; an auditor’s active and future projects, pending action items, and links to project specific details, information requests, and exception memos. Management are also provided graphs showing progress towards completing the annual audit plan, scheduling information, and project results as compared to prior periods.
The Dashboard provides users information about all of their active projects. Users can easily determine whether they have pending action items such as Information Requests or Exception Memos awaiting approval or work paper comments needing to be cleared. Auditors can also see whether responses have been received any of their Information Requests across all projects. The Dashboard helps users prioritize their daily work load ensuring critical tasks are addressed timely.

Where appropriate, the dashparts are hyperlinked to the underlying record. For instance, the “My Projects” dashpart lists all projects to which the user has been assigned and contains links to the project’s Audit Master, information requests, exception memos, and performance reports. Using the built-in hyperlinks is another way the user can improve efficiency.
Graphical dashparts allow management to see the status of current year audit activity including the percentage and number of audits in various stages of the audit process, the number of projects scheduled to start within the next quarter and the value of exceptions by type for the current and prior year’s activity.
Dashparts are subscription based allowing the user to design his / her own dashboard.
The Audit Master/Project Management will have the ability to assign projects to auditors so they will be able to log in and only see relevant assignments. This streamlines the view for the auditor in order to focus on only what is assigned to them and acts as their control panel. They will see each project as well as identifying information to give them an overview before clicking into a specific assignment.
They have the ability to search their list of projects for a specific vendor or project number, select the Audit Management module to view all the information that was entered in my the Project Management team, or go straight into the Information Requests, Exception Memos, and Exception Responses for each project.
The Audit Management module will give them information such as who to contact in order to arrange the initial kick-off meeting, how large the data set will be, and any objectives that the client might have wanted them to focus on or even simply an overview or note from the planner about well count or a strange contract date to pay attention to. They will also find information pertaining to how long the fieldwork will be and their audit staff assignment how will be performing the audit with them.
The Information Request module can easily be accessed from this Project Selector screen where the auditor can send out the Initial Information Requests with just a few clicks of a button before the audit start date and keep track of responses to make sure to hit the ground running even before fieldwork begins. The exception modules are also there as a quick direct route once fieldwork is underway. Instead of making logs and reserving and calling out numbers auditors can go directly into this system and create exception memos and even take advantage of some of the most commonly written up exceptions having wordings that are prefilled in.